White Widow Strains

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Not many cannabis strains have made it to fame like White Widow. With its unique characteristics, the hybrid strain is considered one of the best-tasting, strongest cannabis strains in the world - at the same time, it is also easy to grow.

White Widow Cannabis - the legendary coffee shop strain

As one of the most legendary cannabis strains ever, White Widow is of course also represented in our assortment. We offer a first-class selection of different White Widow strains, all of which enjoy great popularity and satisfy every cannabis fan.

What is White Widow Cannabis?

White Widow, also known as the White Widow, is considered one of the most famous and popular cannabis strains in cannabis history for a reason. What is striking about the strain are its buds and leaves, which are all covered in huge amounts of white crystals by the end of the flowering period. This is where the name White Widow comes from - the crystals give the impression that the entire plant is covered in a white veil.

But it is not only its special appearance that has made the variety so famous. The powerful effect, outstanding genetic quality and delicious taste also make White Widow a unique pleasure experience. Contentment, tranquility and relaxation mixed with a powerfully fragrant taste and smell experience, White Widow is an all-around balanced strain that meets a variety of needs.

The White Widow flower: appearance

As a hybrid strain, White Widow exhibits both sativa and indica genetic traits, with the latter genetics predominating with a 60% share.

White Widow blooms in pretty, dense and pale green flowers, which are covered by the famous white trichomes towards the end of the flowering period. White Widow's striking appearance makes it hard to miss, and it stands out in any growing environment.

How did White Widow come About?

There is some disagreement in the cannabis scene as to where the original White Widow came from. It is believed that the strain was created from a cross between two landrace strains: a Brazilian sativa and an Indian indica.

What is clear is that the strain first became a darling of the masses in 1995 - presented at the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, White Widow enjoyed instant popularity and went straight on to win first prize.

It didn't take long for the strain to become the standard for many connoisseurs and growers worldwide. To this day, White Widow is one of the number one favorites in Dutch coffee shops. It convinces especially with its high THC content of over 25% and the potentially long-lasting, deep high. White Widow is also considered one of the highest-yielding strains and can produce up to 600 grams of yield per square meter when grown indoors.

What does White Widow taste like?

White Widow has a striking pungent and savory smell, which is rounded off by earthy pine notes and some spice. Taste-wise, the strain is considered particularly delicious: sweet, fruity notes with a hint of citrus and a slight earthy tinge make the flavor profile a special experience.

What are the effects of White Widow?

The strain is considered one of the most popular strains among cannabis connoisseurs for a reason: the effects of White Widow strains can be very strong and long-lasting.

As an extremely potent cannabis strain, White Widow can produce a very intense, long-lasting high. After the first puff, a strong feeling of euphoria, satisfaction and energy often sets in immediately. At the same time, many feel inspired, creative, and also more open and talkative socially. The strain therefore seems well suited to socializing, invigorating the senses, providing a great social smoking experience all round, encouraging sociability and creating a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.

Over time, the euphoric effect can turn into a heavy, physical feeling that can lead to couch lock. However, whether White Widow actually keeps you glued to the couch for a while after smoking also depends on the individual tolerance level and the particular White Widow strain.

The relatively balanced indica and sativa content of White Widow ensures that its effect is also balanced accordingly. Thus, the strain is considered ideal for all those cannabis fans who prefer a powerful, yet balanced high. It can be both physically and mentally relaxing - yet the high is described by many users as very clear. Especially in cases of stress and anxiety, White Widow is said to help relax and drive away negative emotions.

Medical use of White Widow

White Widow is also a popular choice for medicinal purposes. It is said to have a particularly positive effect on stress, anxiety disorders, and pain. However, the possible relaxing effects of White Widow could also be helpful for other health conditions such as insomnia.

The White Widow is said to be able to fight daytime fatigue or release creative blockages due to its stimulating and inspiring effect. Also, if you just want to relax and switch off your mind after a long day, White Widow is said to be the appropriate strain.

The White Widow family now consists of a variety of different strains. Thus, there are also some CBD-rich White Widow strains on the market. These varieties contain less than 0.2% THC - they are also said to have a health effect.

The cultivation of the special cannabis

In addition to White Widow's delicious taste and legendary effects, ease of cultivation is another bonus of this popular strain.

As a genetically stable cross of two landrace genetics, White Widow is extremely insensitive to fluctuations in climate. Accordingly, it requires less care than other varieties and thrives well even in less optimal conditions. This makes the variety suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation - and even in less warm climates. While the variety does particularly well in southern regions, it also delivers good results in northern European climates.

Even novice growers with little experience will have no problems with this robust variety and will achieve high yields of premium quality with just minimal effort. Most beginner mistakes will be generously forgiven by White Widow.

White Widow Cannabis - Good Yields, Controllable Growth

Most of our White Widow strains reach an average height of around 130 centimeters, allowing them to be grown in smaller grow rooms. Planted outdoors, the strain will shoot up a bit more and bring a strong will to survive.

Due to its straightforwardness and resilience, White Widow is not particularly demanding when it comes to external conditions - what is important, however, is a sufficient supply of light. As far as temperature and humidity are concerned, the White Widow can cope with some fluctuations.

As a cross between two landrace varieties, White Widow requires less water than most other cannabis strains. A light substrate mixed with some coco is particularly suitable for growing, so that it allows the plant to get rid of excess water and ensures sufficient aeration of the roots.

The average flowering time of White Widow is about 60 days, after which high yields of up to 500 grams per square meter can be expected indoors. Outdoors, even up to 600 grams per plant can be harvested. Here, it is essential to make sure that the cannabis seeds are planted early enough so that a harvest in mid-October is possible.

Popular White Widow strains

The popularity of White Widow has led to breeders around the world experimenting with new genetic combinations, gradually creating a variety of White Widow strains. At Seeds66, we are proud of the wide selection of the best White Widow strains we carry. Whether feminized or autoflowering, every grower will find what they are looking for.

Among our most popular strains are:

White Widow Auto

As an automatic version of the legendary White Widow, this strain is especially suitable for beginners and impatient growers. In terms of taste, the Auto variety is no different from its famous parent: the wonderfully fragrant aroma and the earthy-sweet taste with notes of spice and citrus make the variety a unique pleasure experience.

It is not without reason that White Widow is considered a timeless classic, which has won many awards and is indispensable in coffee shops around the world. White Widow Auto can deliver a powerful, euphoric high that usually transforms into a relaxed full-body stoned over time. Like the original White Widow, the automatic version is suitable for medical use: Its potentially relaxing and uplifting effects could have a positive impact on stress and anxiety.

The White Widow Auto feels most at home indoors. It has limited suitability for outdoor cultivation - but in warmer climates with plenty of sun, it can thrive outdoors. White Widow Auto seeds produce medium sized plants that have flowering times of 7 to 9 weeks. Under optimal growing conditions, yields of 500 to 600 grams per square meter can be expected, with the buds having a solid THC content of around 20%.

White Explosion

White Explosion is also a true classic among our strains. Created by crossing White Widow and our potent AK59, the result is an ideal 50:50 indica-to-sativa ratio, combining the best of both worlds.

The White Explosion scores with great resin production and a generally pleasant stoned feeling. At the same time, it can also bring the great potency as well as the sociable and creative effect of AK59. This combination makes the strain a unique experience - and also in terms of taste, White Explosion is a special treat due to its earthy-sweet flavor with a hint of citrus.

Beginners and experienced growers alike will enjoy White Explosion. It is a robust, hardy strain that will produce solid, high-yielding buds even with a few novice mistakes. When grown indoors, the plant reaches a height of about one meter, with yields of around 500 grams to be expected.

CBD White Widow Auto

This strain stands out for its perfectly balanced THC-CBD ratio of 1:1. It is particularly suitable for medicinal use and can also be used for medical CBD extractions.

CBD White Widow Auto is a feminized, indica-dominant autoflowering strain that is very popular among beginners due to its easy growing. The strain was created by crossing White Widow Auto with a pure CBD strain. The strain scores with the typical sweet earthy taste with citrus and spicy notes, but has a less intense effect. CBD White Widow Auto is mostly used to relax after a long day without fearing a couch-lock effect.

CBD White Widow Auto is easy to grow and offers indoor yields of up to 450 grams per plant. The short flowering time of 70 to 80 days until harvest is not the only advantage: due to its small size, the plant is optimal for cultivation in small grow rooms and does not require much maintenance.

FAQ: White Widow Cannabis

What is the effect of White Widow?

Our popular White Widow strains convince with a particularly strong effect that can induce euphoria, feelings of happiness and relaxation. Creativity and social energy are also said to be stimulated by White Widow.

How long does White Widow last?

White Widow is known for its powerful and long-lasting effects. A feeling of euphoria and relaxation can set in quickly, which could be replaced by a strong physical stoned over time.

Is White Widow a Haze?

The original White Widow does not belong to the Haze family of strains. However, we carry in our assortment with the popular cannabis strain Moby Dick a first-class cross of the White Widow and the original Haze. The Moby Dick convinces with a huge yield and an extremely high THC content of 24 to 27%.

How much do White Widow seeds cost on average?

Depending on the strain, breeder and origin, our White Widow seed prices vary. They start around 5 euros per seed, with larger seed packets being slightly cheaper in comparison.

Conclusion - White Widow seeds at Seeds66

White Widow is one of the absolute classics among cannabis seeds. In our store you will find the best White Widow seeds with first-class quality, excellent taste and their typical, fantastic effect.